Japanese Submarine I-53
Artist: Michel Guyot
Original painting is gouache on paper measuring approx 11.5" x 9" (30cm x 23cm) 
Subject: Japanese submarine KD 3a class

The story behind the painting...

For our French readers:

Au cours de la seconde guerre mondiale, la Marine Impériale Japonaise s'est dotée d'une très importante flotte de sous-marins de différents types, comportant plus de 10 modèles allant des bâtiments géants aux sous-marins nains. 

Leur grande autonomie en carburant leur assurera une appréciable capacité d'intervention en haute mer, loin de leurs bases et jusqu'à proximité de la côte ouest des USA.     

Parmi  les grands succès des sous-marins japonais,on retiendra le torpillage du croiseur USS INDIANAPOLIS en juillet 1945, quelques jours après qu'il ait transporté aux îles Marianne la bombe atomique d'Hiroshima.

For our English readers:

During the Second World War the Japanese Imperial Navy possessed a large submarine flotilla comprising of more than 10 different classes ranging from huge boats to midget subs.

The fuel capacity of the large submarines allowed them great independence in the oceans and they could travel far from their bases and even as far as the west coast of USA.

Among the Japanese submarines numerous successes one of the most memorable is the torpedo attack on the cruiser USS Indianapolis (by I-58) in July 1945, just a few days after it had transported the atom bomb destined for Hiroshima to the Maianas Islands.

Ltd Edition Print No prints of this painting have been produced

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