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July 2019 La Vestale and HMS Wishart in a Tragic Collision
April 2019 S-Class in Minefield
March 2019   Sadly, due to the artist Dennis Andrew's ill health his artwork is currently not available for purchase. We wish him better health soon.
February 2019 cap arcona "Baltic Harbour in late 1944" showing a revolutionary Type XXI German U-boat and the ill-fated cruise liner Cap Arcona.
December 2018 "Sunrise in Scapa Flow" - brand new painting by Michel Guyot
November 2018 SubArt welcomes a new SubArtist, William Gardoski. A great realist artist as can be seen from this stunning painting "Type VII"
October 2018 FNFL Curie in Malta (ex-HMS Vox)
June 2018 "A la poursuite du Barham" - U331 preparing for action
April 2018 "Refuelling in the Fjord" - Type VII U-boat with the Scharnhorst in the background
February 2018 Look at those colours! - "Kiel Harbour 1935"
November 2017 It is with HUGE pleasure that SubArt is now listing some of John Meeks' artwork again. This talented artist sadly passed away in 2008 but his memory lives on through his art. SubArt has relisted 11 of his original artworks for sale and this limited edition print of USS Nawhal and Dolphin at Pearl Harbour is also available.
September 2017 Operation Cerberus 1942 - a Type VII U-boat admidst the German armada in the Baltic
August 2017 A Type VIIC/41 U-boat under attack in this painting: "Battle of the Atlantic (Part 3)"
July 2017 USS Albacore (AGSS-569)
July 2017 FNFL Curie (ex-HMS Vox)
May 2017 Surcouf - the world's largest submarine (at the time)

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Nov 2000:   when www.SubArt.net was launched



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